

To make pronotepy’s installation as easy as possible it is uploaded to pypi. To install it you can use pip.

pip install -U pronotepy

If you want to install the latest version, you can install it directly from the master branch:

pip install -U git+https://github.com/bain3/pronotepy.git


You may have problems while installing the dependency pycryptodome. Unfortunately I haven’t found a different cryptographic library, if you have an alternative please contact bain (see contact).


Client initialisation#

The client can be created in multiple ways. They differ only by login method.

Logging in with username and password#

You can also create a new client by passing in your username and password. This needs to go through your ENT everytime you login. Consider logging in using the QR code method.

Use an ENT function from ENT / CAS if you are logging in through an ENT.


The URL passed into the client must be a direct one to your pronote instance. It usually ends with eleve.html, parent.html, or something similar. Do not include any query parameters.

import pronotepy
from pronotepy.ent import ac_reunion
# importing ent specific function, you do not need to import anything if you dont use an ent

client = pronotepy.Client('https://demo.index-education.net/pronote/eleve.html',
                      ent=ac_reunion) # ent specific
if not client.logged_in:
    exit(1)  # the client has failed to log in


To access the user’s homework use the Client.homework() method.

import datetime
homework = client.homework(datetime.date.today()) # this will return all the homework starting from <today>
# homework is a list of pronotepy.Homework


To access the user’s grades you need to first get a period. This can be done with the Client.periods or Client.current_period properties.

# print all the grades the user had in this school year
for period in client.periods:
    # Iterate over all the periods the user has. This includes semesters and trimesters.

    for grade in period.grades: # the grades property returns a list of pronotepy.Grade
        print(grade.grade) # This prints the actual grade. Could be a number or for example "Absent" (always a string)

# print only the grades from the current period
for grade in client.current_period.grades:

Long Term Usage#

From version 1.1 pronotepy will reinitialise the connection when the old one expires. This is done so bots that are checking pronote will not have to do this manually.

Unfortunately PRONOTE changes all of its ids for their objects every session. This makes old pronotepy objects ( Lesson for example) expire too.

The old data like the description or the subject will still be accessible, but any functions that request from pronote will not work (pronotepy will raise the ExpiredObject exception). To make sure that you don’t get any errors you can check the session with Client.session_check() and request new objects before you make any requests using your old objects.

Below you can see sample code for a bot that checks one specific lesson content (useless but good for this example).

import pronotepy
import datetime
from time import sleep

# initialising the client
client = pronotepy.Client('https://demo.index-education.net/pronote/eleve.html',

# user login check
if not client.logged_in:
    print("Client is not logged in")

# getting the initial lesson
lesson = client.lessons(client.start_day + datetime.timedelta(days=1))[0]

while True: # infinite loop

    # Checks the session status and refreshes the session if it is expired.
    # Returns True if it has been refreshed.
    if client.session_check():

        # renew the lesson object
        lesson = client.lessons(client.start_day + datetime.timedelta(days=1))[0]

        print("Session reinitialised and object renewed.")

    # the content property sends a request to pronote asking for the content (inefficient so don't use it often)
    # lesson.content is pronotepy.LessonContent

    sleep(7200) # wait for 2 hours

Other usage#

For other usage please consult the API reference.

JSON serialization#

Pronotepy currently supports serialization to a python dict for easier further processing. The built in json module cannot serialize datetime objects, so a default function must be passed to json.dumps().

An example showing serialization of Period into JSON, including properties, because Period.grades is a property, but also excluding Period.punishments:

import pronotepy
import datetime
import json

# initialising the client
client = pronotepy.Client('https://demo.index-education.net/pronote/eleve.html',

def serializer(obj):
    if isinstance(obj, datetime.datetime):
        return str(obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, datetime.date):
        return str(obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, datetime.timedelta):
        return str(obj)

for period in client.periods:
    serialized = period.to_dict(include_properties=True, exclude={"punishments", })
    print(json.dumps(serialized, default=serializer, indent=2))